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Informational Cities

Informationelle Städte

Franziska Zimmer, ehemals:  Agnes Mainka

Informationelle Städte sind prototypische Städte der Wissensgesellschaft. Gemäß Castells tendieren in diesen Städten die „Spaces of Flows“ (Fluss von Geld, Macht und Information) dazu,  die „Spaces of Place“ zu dominieren. Die Infrastruktur der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT), kognitive Infrastrukturen (Wissensstadt, Kreative Stadt) und „grüne“ Infrastrukturen (Smarte Stadt) haben einen hohen Einfluss auf Stadtentwicklung und Wirtschaftswachstum. 


Barth, J., Fietkiewicz, K. J., Gremm, J., Hartmann, S., Henkel, M., Ilhan, A., Mainka, A., Meschede, C., Peters, I., & Stock, W. G. (2018).  Informationswissenschaft in der Urbanistik. Teil 2: Erste empirische Ergebnisse zu smarten Städten. Information – Wissenschaft & Praxis, 69(1), 31-46.

Gremm, J., Barth, J., Fietkiewicz, K. J., & Stock, W. G. (2018). Transitioning Towards a Knowledge Society. Qatar as a Case Study. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature. XVII, 244 pp. Link zu Springer Nature: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-71195-9

Barth, J., Fietkiewicz, K. J., Gremm, J., Hartmann, S., Henkel, M., Ilhan, A., Mainka, A., Meschede, C., Peters, I., & Stock, W. G. (2017). Informationswissenschaft in der Urbanistik. Teil 1: Konzeptioneller Forschungsrahmen und Methoden. Information - Wissenschaft und Praxis, 68(5-6), 365-377. 

Barth, J., Fietkiewicz, K. J., Gremm, J., Hartmann, S., Ilhan, A., Mainka, A., Meschede, C., & Stock, W. G. (2017). Informational urbanism.  A conceptual framework of smart cities. In Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 4 – 7, 2017, Waikoloa Village (pp. 2814-2823). Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society.

Fietkiewicz, K. J., Mainka, M., & Stock, W. G. (2017). eGovernment in cities of the knowledge society. An empirical investigation of Smart Cities’ governmental websites. Government Information Quarterly, 34(1), 75-83.

Mainka, A., Castelnovo, W., Miettinen, V., Bech-Petersen, S., Hartmann, S., & Stock, W. G. (2016). Open innovation in smart cities: Participation and co-creation of public services. In Proceedings of the 79th ASIS&T Annual Meeting (Vol. 53). Creating Knowledge, Enhancing Lives through Information & Technology. Copenhagen, Oct. 14-18, 2016 (5 pp.).

Stock, W. G. (2015). Informational urbanism. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 13(6), 62-69.

Ilhan, A., Möhlmann, R., & Stock, W. G. (2015). Citizens’ acceptance of u-life services in the ubiquitous city Songdo. In M. Foth, M. Brynskov, & T. Ojala (Eds.), Citizen’s Right to the Digital City. Urban Interfaces, Activism, and Placemaking (pp. 215-229). Singapore: Springer.

Mainka, A., Hartmann, S., Meschede, C., & Stock, W. G. (2015). Open government: Transforming data into value-added city services. In M. Foth, M. Brynskov, & T. Ojala (Eds.), Citizen’s Right to the Digital City. Urban Interfaces, Activism, and Placemaking (pp. 199-214). Singapore: Springer.

Schumann, L., & Stock, W. G. (2015). Acceptance and use of ubiquitous cities’ information services. Information Services & Use, 35(3), 191-206.

Kosior, A., Barth, J., Gremm, J., Mainka, A., & Stock, W. G. (2015). Imported expertise in world-class knowledge infrastructures: The problematic development of knowledge cities in the Gulf region. Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice, 3(3), 17-44.

Gremm, J., Barth, J., & Stock, W. G. (2015). Kuwait is the past, Dubai is the present, Doha is the future: Informational cities on the Arabian Gulf. International Journal of Knowledge Society Research, 6(2), 51-64.

Mainka, A., Hartmann, S., Stock, W. G., & Peters, I. (2015). Looking for friends and followers: A global investigation of governmental social media use. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 9(2), 237-254.

Ilhan, A., Möhlmann, & Stock, W. G. (2015). Customer value research and ServQual surveys as methods for information need analysis. The ubiquitous city Songdo as a case study. In F. Pehar, C. Schlögl, & C. Wolff (Eds.), Re:Inventing Information Science in the Networked Society. Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Information Science (ISI 2015), Zadar, Croatia, 19th - 21st May 2015 (pp. 457-468). Glückstadt, Germany: Hülsbusch.

Mainka, A., Hartmann, S., Meschede, C., & Stock, W. G. (2015). Mobile application services based upon open urban government data. In iConference 2015 Proceedings. Newport Beach CA, USA, March 24-27, 2015 (15 pp.).

Murugadas, D., Vieten, S., Nikolic, J., Fietkiewicz, K. J., & Stock, W. G. (2015). Creativity and entrepreneurship in informational metropolitan regions. Journal of Economic and Social Development, 2(1), 14-24.

Fietkiewicz, K. J., & Stock, W. G. (2015). How "smart" are Japanese cities? An empirical investigation of infrastructures and governmental programs in Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka and Kyoto. In Proceedings of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 2345-2354). Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society.

Fietkiewics, K. J., Pyka, S., & Stock, W. G. (2015). Evaluating infrastructures of the 21st century city: Informational cities in Japan as case studies. Advances in Research, 3(3), 297-311.

Förster, T. & Mainka, A. (2015). Metropolises in the Twittersphere: An Informetric Investigation of Informational Flows and Networks. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 4, 1894-1912.

Murugadas, D., Vieten, S., Nikolic, J., & Mainka, A. (2015). The informational world city London. Journal of Documentation, 71(4), 834-864.

Fietkiewicz, K. J., & Stock, W. G. (2014). Cityness and informativeness of the emerging informational cities in Japan. Creative and Knowledge Society, 4(1), 43-56.

Murugadas, D., Vieten, S., Nikolic, J., Fietkiewicz, K. J., & Stock, W. G. (2014). Creativity and entrepreneurship in informational metropolitan regions. In I. Filipovic, M. Kalcmer Calopa, & F. Galetic (Eds.), Economic and Social Development. 7th International Scientific Conference. Book of Proceedings. New York City, 24 Oct. 2014 (pp. 142-151). Varazdin, Croatia: Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency.

Fietkiewicz, K., & Pyka, S. (2014). Development of Informational Cities in Japan: A regional Comparsion. International Journal of Knowledge Society Research, 5(1), 69-82.

Förster, T., Lamerz, L., Mainka, A., & Peters, I. (2014). The Tweet and the City: Comparing Twitter Activities in Informational World Cities. In Proceedings of the 3. DGI 2014 Conference: Informationsqualität und Wissensgenerierung. (pp. 101-118). Frankfurt a.M.: DGI

Mainka, A., Hartmann, S., Stock, W. G., & Peters, I. (2014). Government and social media: A case study of 31 informational world cities. In Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 6-9 January 2014, Waikoloa, Hawaii (pp. 1715-1724). Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society.

Schumann, L., Rölike, S., & Stock, W.G. (2013). Hotspots and free wifi in a ubiquitous city. Do they serve citizens' information needs? The u-city of Oulu as a case study. In I. Huvila (Ed.), Proceedings of the Second Association for Information Science and Technology ASIS&T European Workshop 2013. June 5-6, Åbo/Turku, Finland (pp. 95-108). Åbo: Åbo Akademie University. (Skrifter utgivna av Informationsvetenskap vid Åbo Akademie; 2).

Mainka, A., Hartmann, S., Orszullok, L., Peters, I., Stallmann, A., & Stock, W.G. (2013). Public libraries in the knowledge society: Core services of libraries in informational world cities. Libri, 63(4), 295-319.

Mainka, A., Fietkiewicz, K., Kosior, A., Pyka, S., & Stock, W. G. (2013). Maturity and usability of e-government in informational world cities. In E. Ferrari & W. Castelnovo (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on e-Government. University of Insubria Varese, Italy, 13-14 June 2013 (pp. 292-300). Reading, UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International (ACPI).

Peters, I., Hartmann, S., & Mainka, A. (2013). Social Media Use and Outreach of Selected Public Libraries in Informational World Cities. In I. Huvila (ed.), Proceedings of the Second Association for Information Science and Technology ASIS&T European Workshop, Åbo/Turku, Finland (pp. 79-93). Skrifter utgivna av Informationsvetenskap vid Åbo Akademi Vol. 2. Åbo: Åbo Akademi University.

Hartmann, S., Mainka, A. & Peters, I. (2013). Government Activities in Social Media. An Empirical Investigation of eGovernments in Informational World Cities. In Proceedings of CeDEM the International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government , Krems, Austria (pp. 173-186).

Mainka, A. & Khveshchanka, S. (2012). Digital Libraries as Knowledge Hubs in Informational Cities. In Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) Proceedings Vol. 12, 18 - 22 June 2012, University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia.

Orszullok, L., Stallmann, A., Mainka, A., & Stock, W.G. (2012). Core Service of Digital and Physical Libraries in Informational World Cities -  An Empirical Investigation. In Smart City and Library Service. The Proceedings of the Sixth Shanghai International Library Forum, (pp. 288-301). Shanghai: Shanghai Scientific and Technological Literature Publishing House.

Mainka, A., Stallmann, A., & Orszullok, L. (2012). Bibliotheken in digitalen und physischen Räumen informationeller Weltstädte. Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 63(4), 241-251.

Stock, W.G. (2011). Informational Cities. Analysis and Construction of Cities in the Knowledge Society. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(5), 963-986. 

Stock, W.G. (2011). Informationelle Städte im 21. Jahrhundert. Information - Wissenschaft und Praxis, 62(2), 71-94. 

Stock, W.G. (2011). Informationelle Städte und Informationswissenschaft. Information - Wissenschaft und Praxis, 62(2), 65-67.

Khveshchanka, S., Mainka, A., & Peters, I. (2011). Singapur: Prototyp einer informationellen Stadt. Information, Wissenschaft & Praxis, 62(2-3), 111-121.

Mainka, A., Khveshchanka, S., & Stock, W.G. Dimensions of Informational City Research. In Digital Cities 7 - Real World Experiences, 30 June 2011, State Library of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld.

Khveshchanka, S., & Mainka, A. (2011). Informational cities as urban centers of the knowledge era. In: My Ideal City. Scenarios for the European City of the 3rd Millennium. Università Iuav di Venezia (pp. 117-122). ISBN 978-88-87697-57-5

Nowag, B., Perez, M., & Stuckmann, M. (2011). Informationelle Weltstädte: Indikatoren zur Stellung von Städten im "Space of Flow". Information - Wissenschaft und Praxis, 62 (2-3), 103-109.

Dornstädter, R., Finkelmeyer, S., & Shanmuganathan, N. (2011). Job-Polarisierung in informationellen Städten. Information - Wissenschaft und Praxis, 62 (2-3), 95-102.