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Title / Titel:

Gamification and Interdisciplinarity. Challenges in the Modern Knowledge Society.

Author / Autor:

Meschede, C., & Knautz, K.

Source / Quelle:

International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development (IJICTHD), 9(3), 1-13.

Language / Sprache:

English / Englisch


The enhanced use of information communication technologies in the knowledge society has a huge impact on how people learn and do research. In education, the trend topic Gamification has appeared, trying to fulfil the needs of digital natives. Likewise, researchers are challenged by new forms of collaboration. Interdisciplinary projects become more and more important. This article aims at combining these two trending topics of the knowledge society. Thus, the importance of Gamification in the scientific world in terms of disciplinary diversity will be measured. The goal is to identify predominant disciplines publishing on the topic and to detect collaborations in terms of multi- and interdisciplinarity. We firstly give an overview on the different research fields. Further, we introduce a way to measure disciplinary diversity of Gamification and classify the issue accordingly. Gamification presents itself as a multidisciplinary topic with an average of 4.2 references of different disciplines. In terms of interdisciplinarity a total value of 31% also represents a strong outcome.