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Title / Titel:

Library and Information Science education in Europe: Building an interactive map.

Author / Autor:

Christine Meschede, Virginia Ortiz-Repiso, Marco Kluin

Source / Quelle:

FEIS 2018 Proceedings, September 10-11, 2018, Pisa (pp. 217-222).

Language / Sprache:

English / Englisch



The project described in this paper aims at presenting an interactive map of library and information science (LIS) education in Europe. In the individual countries, institutions of LIS education all have different origins and specializations. The map shall help in getting an overview on the different possibilities students and researchers have regarding LIS education in Europe. Further, it summarizes the several types of departments, programs and learning modalities in European countries, as well as teaching languages, thus addressing the curricular internationalization of LIS education. The project demonstrates gaps in current internationalization of LIS education and shall strengthen collaborations among the institutions and departments, whereby new Erasmus+ partnerships could arise. Only a few of the investigated institutions offer programs taught in English, which should be improved in the future.