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Title / Titel:

Challenges, Barriers, and Approaches for Providing Digital Citizen Information. A Case-Study in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

Author / Autor:

Fabian Birghan, Robert Hettenhausen, Christine Meschede

Source / Quelle:

Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 5 – 8, 2021, Virtual Conference (pp. 2143-2152)

Language / Sprache:




In this article, we present a case study of the limitations and barriers concerning digital citizen information systems in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Germany. We define citizen information as information that satisfies citizens’ needs and interests regarding their country, state, or municipality. Local governments can use information systems in the form of official websites, social media, council information systems, mobile applications, and open data portals to disseminate information. Aspects like transparency, participation, and collaboration can thereby be strengthened. We assessed citizens’ views of such systems via a questionnaire and addressed their wishes in expert interviews. The results suggest that NRW has good prerequisites to provide digital citizen information systems, but the municipalities still have to overcome several barriers. We suggest six central approaches: development of a social media strategy, creation of digital competences, establishment of standards, strategies for increasing awareness, development of innovative services, and strengthening cooperation between municipalities.