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Titel / Titel:

Development of Informational Cities in Japan: A Regional Comparison

Author / Autor

Fietkiewicz, K., & Pyka, S.


Source / Quelle

International Journal of Knowledge Society Research, 5(1), 69-82, January-March 2014

Language / Sprache

English / Englisch

Development of Informational Cities in Japan: A Regional Comparison


This article presents the concept of Informational City - the city of 21st century with its highly developed digital, knowledge or creative infrastructures as well as other important aspects contributing to its informativeness. The authors have selected four Japanese cities as the best candidates for (emerging) Informational Cities and investigated data referring to them in order to determine if they indeed can be labelled as Informational Cities. The authors compared the four cities - Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka and Kyoto, and made a ranking of them in regard to their level of informativeness.