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Titel / Titel:

How safe is YouNow? An empirical study on possible law infringements in Germany and the United States.

Author / Autor

Honka, A., Frommelius, N., Mehlem, A., Tolles, J. N., & Fietkiewicz, K. J.


Source / Quelle

The Journal of MacroTrends in Social Science, 2015, 1(1), 1-17.

Language / Sprache

English / Englisch

How safe is YouNow? An empirical study on possible law infringements in Germany and the United States.

One characteristic of our time, the age of the Internet, are social networking services - exponentially rising and becoming more and more inventive. It is almost impossible to keep track of all new offerings that are being developed and put online every day. Connecting people, sharing common interests, communicating with each other and building up social relations are positive aspects of social networking services. Apart from these benefits there are many dangers that come along with them, such as treatment of sensitive data or law infringement. In our study we have investigated the live streaming platform YouNow regarding violation of law, limiting it to the legal situation in Germany and in the USA and comparing them with each other. We have found out that major issues are violation of both copyright and the right in one’s own picture. Based on our observation we can conclude that YouNow, as a representative of many social networking services, holds certain dangers, especially for underage youths not being aware of the risks.