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Find the perfect match: The interplay among Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn on crowdfunding success

Titel / Titel:

Find the perfect match: The interplay among Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn on crowdfunding success

Author / Autor

Fietkiewicz, K. J., Hoffmann, C., & Lins, E.


Source / Quelle

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2018, 33(4), 472-493.


Language / Sprache

English / Englisch



Since crowdfunding emerged as a new funding channel for entrepreneurial projects, researchers focused on investigating factors that actually lead to crowdfunding campaign’s success. Such tools for promotion of a campaign are, for example, social media. Like crowdfunding platforms they are also Web 2.0 applications, which changed our cultural norms and business praxes by creating the world where country borders became invisible and communication immediate. But how does the activity on social media affect the crowdfunder’s decision to pledge money for someone’s entrepreneurial endeavours? In this study, we take a look at the influence of electronic word of mouth (eWoM) via Facebook and YouTube, as well as the impact of social capital on the business oriented service LinkedIn, on the success of a crowdfunding campaign. We examine the interplay between these different platforms and propose social media strategies for entrepreneurs, which may increase their chances for being funded.
