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User behavior in the twittersphere: Content analysis of tweets on Charlie Hebdo attacks

Titel / Titel:

User behavior in the twittersphere: Content analysis of tweets on Charlie Hebdo attacks

Author / Autor

Ilhan, A., & Fietkiewicz, K. J.


Source / Quelle

In Proceedings of the iConference: Effect, Expand, Evolce. March 22-25, 2017, Wuhan, China (pp. 190-202). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: iSchools, IDEALS.

Language / Sprache

English / Englisch

User behavior in the twittersphere: Content analysis of tweets on Charlie Hebdo attacks


he 7th January 2015 is coined by the attacks on Charlie Hebdo in Paris. A lot of people all over the world showed their solidarity and their emotions by publishing tweets with the hashtag #JeSuisCharlie and #CharlieHebdo. This study aims at answering, among others, the following questions: What do Twitter users share and whom do they mention while commenting on terrorist attacks? What are the most frequently used hashtags? Based on the literature review, the count of retweets can be influenced by different aspects. This research investigates factors influencing retweeting of tweets on Charlie Hebdo attacks. Furthermore, it sets a first step into the content analysis of tweets on Charlie Hebdo attacks and gives a preliminary impression about the user behavior on Twitter.
