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Titel / Titel:Impression management and social media use as success factors for crowdfunding: A comparison between projects from Germany and the USA.
Author / Autor

Honka, A., & Fietkiewicz, K. J.


Source / Quelle

Proceedings of the 2019 Hawaii University International Conferences on Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences & Education (AHSE) (16 pp.). Honolulu, HI: Hawaii University.
Language / SpracheEnglish / Englisch

Impression management and social media use as success factors for crowdfunding: A comparison between projects from Germany and the USA.

Crowdfunding is an alternative form of financing, which allows capital-seeking entrepreneurs to fund their efforts and put their projects into practice. The success of crowdfunding campaigns is determined by mobilizing as many investors as possible. This paper presents an empirical study on success factors of crowdfunding by focusing on social media usage and impression management techniques. Furthermore, the results will be compared between entrepreneurs from Germany and the USA. This study utilized a sample of 1,500 crowdfunding projects from Kickstarter. The main finding is that both factors have a positive impact on crowdfunding success. Successful projects showed more traffic on social media sites and applied impression management techniques to a greater extent than the failed projects did. Finally, there are slight differences between entrepreneurs from Germany and the USA regarding their social media platform choices.