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Titel / Titel:The development of information society in Japan: A case study of 21 metropolitan areas.
Author / Autor

Fietkiewicz K. J.


Source / Quelle

Proceedings of the 2019 Hawaii University International Conferences on Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences & Education (AHSE) (24 pp.). Honolulu, HI: Hawaii University.
Language / SpracheEnglish / Englisch

The development of information society in Japan: A case study of 21 metropolitan areas.

If you live in a developed country, have access to the high-speed Internet and uncensored information, and when you can freely unfold your innovative and creative spirit, you are most probably the member of an Information Society living in an Informational City. Informational City is the prototypical city of the 21st century with several distinct characteristics (e.g., knowledge and information flows, creativity, digitization, liveability). What exactly are Informational Cities and what is the state of their development? What is the typical city of our times? In this paper the different building blocks of an Informational City will be discussed in more detail and in context of the Japanese Information Society. Why Japan? It is one of the most developed and digitized countries in the world. It is also said to be the origin of the term Information Society. Previous research indicates that Tokyo, Kyoto, Yokohama and Ōsaka already are (emerging) Informational Cities. This notion will be revised by broadening this research to 21 Japanese metropolises. Was the urbanization process similar for all the investigated cities? Are Tokyo, Ōsaka, Kyoto and Yokohama indeed the best examples of Japanese Informational Cities or maybe are there other metropolises that outrun them in some areas?