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Titel / Titel:An App for Measuring and Promoting Young Children's Media and Information Literacy.
Author / Autor

Gust von Loh, S., & Henkel, M.

Source / QuelleProceedings of the 9th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics (IMSCI 2015), 12.-15. July 2015, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2015 (pp. 196 - 200). Winter Garden, FL: International Institute of Informatics and Systemics.
Language / SpracheEnglish / Englisch



This paper describes an app for measuring and promoting media- and information literacy of kindergarten children. Media and information literacy (MIL) of young children from three to six years, has not yet been examined often and media use in this age group is generally being discussed in a contrarian way. To shed some light on the whole topic we plan to conduct a study with children in kindergartens. For this we developed a web application, which includes six small games. With the help of this app we want to gain information on the ability of young children to work with media and information. The paper also shortly discusses the specifics of media and information literacy in early childhood and the barriers connected to research with children of young age.

Keywords: Information Literacy, Media Literacy, Edutainment, Children, Web Application.
