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Titel / Titel:Pioneers of information science in Europe: The œuvre of Norbert Henrichs.
Author / Autor

Hauk, K., & Stock, W.G.


Source / QuelleT. Carbo, & T. Bellardo Hahn (Eds.), International Perspectives on the History of Information Science and Technology (pp. 151-162). Medford, NJ: Information Today. (ASIST Monograph Series.)
Language / SpracheEnglish / Englisch



Pioneers of information science in Europe: The œuvre of Norbert Henrichs.

This article discusses the works and influence of Norbert Henrichs (born 1935), a pioneer of Information Science in Europe. In the context of philosophy documentation, Henrichs developed in the 1960s a dictionary-independent method of indexing: the Text-Word Method. This method works exclusively with the term material of the documents to be indexed. It starts by using a variant of syntactic indexing, viz. the formation of thematic chains. Documents indexed via the Text-Word Method form the basis for relatively ballast-free information retrieval, but also for studies in the history of ideas.

Henrichs was a leading contributor to the formulation and realization of the German Information & Documentation (I&D) program (1974 - 1977). This widely noted political program planned for the world's entire scientific and technical literature to be made available in 20 specialized information centers.

Henrichs serve as scientific executive director of the central German infrastructure provision within the I&D program, the “Society for Information and Documentation” (GID), from 1980 to 1985. Over the course of the 1980s, the I&D program broke down-mainly due to a lack of financing. At the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf, Henrichs successfully developed a curriculum for information science, which-typically for Germany in the 1980s and 1990s-had no strong ties to either library science or computer science.
