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Title / Titel:The Information Service Evaluation (ISE) model
Author / Autor:Laura Schumann, & Wolfgang G. Stock
Source / Quelle:Webology, 2014, 11(1), Art. 115

Language / Sprache:

English / Englisch

Information services are an inherent part of our everyday life. Especially since ubiquitous cities are being developed all over the world their number is increasing even faster. They aim at facilitating the production of information and the access to the needed information and are supposed to make life easier. Until today many different evaluation models (among others, TAM, TAM 2, TAM 3, UTAUT and MATH) have been developed to measure the quality and acceptance of these services. Still, they only consider subareas of the whole concept that represents an information service. As a holistic and comprehensive approach, the ISE Model studies five dimensions that influence adoption, use, impact and diffusion of the information service: information service quality, information user, information acceptance, information environment and time. All these aspects have a great impact on the final grading and of the success (or failure) of the service. Our model combines approaches, which study subjective impressions of users (e.g., the perceived service quality), and user-independent, more objective approaches (e.g., the degree of gamification of a system). Furthermore, we adopt results of network economics, especially the "Success breeds success"-principle.
