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Titel / Titel:

 Handbook of Information Science [Paperback Edition]

Author / Autor

Stock, W. G., & Stock, M.




Source / Quelle

Berlin, Boston, MA: De Gruyter Saur, 2015. XI, 901 pp.



Language / SpracheEnglish / Englisch


Handbook of Information Science [Paperback Edition]

Dealing with information, knowledge and digital documents is one of the most important skills for people in the 21st century. In the knowledge societies of this century, the use of information and communication technology (ICT), particularly the Internet, and the adoption of information services are essential for everyone—in the workplace, at school and university as well as in everyday life. ICT will be ubiquitous. Knowledge is available everywhere and at any time. People search for knowledge, and they produce and share it. We want to be well informed. We browse the World Wide Web, consult search engines and take advantage of library services. We inform our friends and colleagues about (some of) our insights via social networking, (micro-)blogging and sharing services.

How does information—documents and the knowledge therein—have to be organized in order to be retrievable? What role does metadata play? What are search engines on the Web, or in corporate intranets, and how do they work? How must one deal with natural language processing and tools of knowledge organization, such as thesauri, classification systems, and ontologies? How useful is social tagging? How valuable are intellectually created abstracts and automatically prepared extracts? Which empirical methods allow for user research and which for the evaluation of information systems?

The Handbook focuses on the fundamental disciplines of information science, namely information retrieval, knowledge representation, and informetrics. Whereas information retrieval is oriented on the search for and the retrieval of information, knowledge representation starts in the preliminary stages, during the indexing and summarization of documents. The book also discusses results from informetrics, in so far as they are relevant for information retrieval and knowledge representation. The subjects of informetrics are the measurement of information, the evaluation of information systems, as well as the users and usage of information services.

This Handbook is a basic work of information science, providing a comprehensive overview of the current state of information retrieval, knowledge representation, and informetrics. It addresses readers from all professions and scientific disciplines, but particularly scholars, practitioners and students of Information Science, Library Science, Computer Science, Information Management, and Knowledge Management. The Handbook is an essential reference work for Public and Academic Libraries.


Link zum Verlag: http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/174024

Link zu Amazon.de: http://www.amazon.de/Handbook-Information-Science-Wolfgang-Stock/dp/3110373645/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&sr=&qid=

 Link zu Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Handbook-Information-Science-Knowledge/dp/3110234998/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1429958125&sr=8-3&keywords=stock+information+science


PDF (Preface to the Paperback Edition 2015)