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Titel / Titel:

Open government: Transforming data into value-added city services.

Author / Autor

Mainka, A., Hartmann, S., Meschede, C., & Stock, W. G.


Source / Quelle M. Foth, M. Brynskov, & T. Ojala (Eds.), Citizen’s Right to the Digital City. Urban Interfaces, Activism, and Placemaking, 2015, pp. 199-214. Singapore: Springer.
Language / SpracheEnglish / Englisch


Open government: Transforming data into value-added city services.

Open data and open government are topics which are not new, but today we can see initiatives which transform the data into value added services. But are there real world examples where those services make the city “smart?” We are going to define open urban governmental data in the context of e-Government and m-Government. This chapter reports on an investigation about the open urban government data and hackathon movement on a global scale and takes a deeper look at the real world examples of Amsterdam, Barcelona, and Paris. The discussed questions are challenges for the governments to make open data available and the role of hackathons in the development of value added city services.