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(334) Henkel, M., & Stock, W. G. (2019). Vermittlung von Informationskompetenz, Medienkompetenz und digitaler Kompetenz als Schulfach. In S. Lin-Klitzing, D. Di Fuccia, & T. Gaube (Hrsg.), Schulische Bildung im Zeitalter der digitalen Transformation. Konsequenzen für das Gymnasium? (pp. 88-103). Bad Heilbrunn, Germany: Klinkhardt.

(333) Ilhan, A., Hartmann, S., Ciftci, T., & Stock, W. G. (2019). Citizen Relationship Management in den USA und in Deutschland: 311 - 115 - Services App. In Stephan Büttner (Ed.), Die digitale Transformation in Institutionen des kulturellen Gedächtnisses (pp. 135-154). Berlin, Germany: Simon Verlag für Bibliothekswesen.

(332) Zimmer, F., Scheibe, K., Stock, M., & Stock, W. G. (2019). Fake News in Social Media: Bad Algorithms or Biased Users? Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice, 7(2), 40-53.

(331) Scheibe, K., Zimmer, F., & Stock, W. G. (2019). Social media usage of asylum seekers in Germany. In Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Social Media. University of Brighton, UK, 13-14 June 2019 (pp. 263-272). Reading, UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International.

(330) Stock, W. G. (2019). Informationswissenschaft und Digitalisierung. In W. Bredemeier (Hrsg.), Zukunft der Informationswissenschaft. Hat die Informationswissenschaft eine Zukunft? (pp. 100-105). Berlin, Germany: Simon Verlag für Bibliothekswissen.

(329) Gremm, J., Barth, J., Fietkiewicz, K. J., & Stock, W. G. (2019). Wissensgesellschaft im Entstehen: Katar als Fallbeispiel. In W. Bredemeier (Hrsg.), Zukunft der Informationswissenschaft. Hat die Informationswissenschaft eine Zukunft? (pp. 406-419). Berlin, Germany: Simon Verlag für Bibliothekswissen.

(328) Henkel, M., Scheibe, K., Zimmer, F., & Stock, W. G. (2019). Singapore’s library system and its place in a smart nation. In LIS 2019. Proceedings of the International Conference on Library and Information Science. Sapporo, Japan, January 19-21, 2019. Vol. 5, No. 1 (pp. 9-47). Taipeh, Taiwan: International Business Academics Consortium.

(327) Fietkiewicz, K. J., & Stock, W. G. (2019). Introduction to the live streaming services minitrack. In Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 8 – 11, 2019, Grand Wailea, Maui (pp. 2536-2537). Honolulu, HI: HICSS (ScholarSpace).

(326) Nikolic, J., Dorsch, I., Scheibe, K., Zimmer, F., & Stock, W. G. (2019). Country-specific sentiment on microblogs. In Hawaii University / International Conferences. 8th Annual Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences & Education Conference. Prince Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii. January 3, 4, & 5, 2019 (18 pp.). Honolulu, HI: Hawaii University.

(325) Zimmer, F., Scheibe, K., Stock, M., & Stock, W. G. (2019). Echo chambers and filter bubbles of fake news in social media. Man-made or produced by algorithms? In Hawaii University / International Conferences. 8th Annual Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences & Education Conference. Prince Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii. January 3, 4, & 5, 2019 (22 pp.). Honolulu, HI: Hawaii University.

(324) Stock, W. G., Barth, J., & Gremm, J. (2018). The era after oil. Knowledge-intensive cities on the Arabian Gulf. In M. D. Lytras, L. Daniela, & A. Visvizi (Eds.), Knowledge-Intensive Economies and Opportunities for Social, Organizational, and Technological Growth (pp. 63-88). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.