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Department of Computational Linguistics

Welcome to Computational Linguistics

We are a department of the Institute of Linguistics and located at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf. The department consists of the research groups of Prof. Dr. Laura Kallmeyer (Chair of Computational Linguistics) and Prof. Dr. Wiebke Petersen (Department of Mathematical Linguistics).  In teaching, we serve the Bachelor's degree programme Computational Linguistics Integrative, the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in Linguistics and the Master's degree programme in Information Science and Language Technology. Doctoral studies are also possible.


Chair of the Department
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Laura Kallmeyer
Building: 23.21
Floor/room: 04.094


Nvidia Grant for AI methods in the CL solicited: The chair for Computational Linguistics has get funded from Nvidia special hardware for student projects in the field of AI in the Computational Linguistics.