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Think Green - Bike! The Bicycle Sharing System in the Smart City Barcelona


Ilhan, A., & Fietkiewicz, K. J.


In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Library and Information Science (LIS) (pp. 309-326). Taipeh, Taiwan: International Business Academics Consortium.



Think Green - Bike! The Bicycle Sharing System in the Smart City Barcelona


One of the main goals of every (aspiring) Smart City is a green-minded, sustainable development. Today, one of the most popular green Smart City trends is the provision of bike sharing systems. In this study, we evaluate the Bicing service in Barcelona, which is one of the "smartest" cities in Europe. The investigation is based on a rapid ethnographic field study, qualitative interviews as well as a quantitative online survey among Barcelona's residents and people staying in Barcelona for work, study or other reasons (e.g. shopping), all of which ensure a user-centric approach. The results show some strengths as well as weaknesses of the service and enable us to deduce important rules for implementation of bike sharing systems.