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Titel / Titel:

Good morning... Good afternoon, good evening and good night: Adoption, usage and impact of the social live streaming platform YouNow

Author / Autor

Fietkiewicz, K. J., & Scheibe, K.


Source / Quelle

In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Library and Information Science, August 23-25, 2017, Sapporo, Japan (pp. 92-115). Taipeh, Taiwan: International Business Academics Consortium.

Language / Sprache

English / Englisch

Good morning... Good afternoon, goof evening and good night: Adoption, usage and impact of the social live streaming platform YouNow


Live broadcasting is nothing new, neither is human weakness for reality shows and "Big Brother"-like series. The attraction to uncensored "live" shows has been critically portrayed in the American movie "The Truman Show," where the unaware headliner was entertaining millions of viewers with his life, every day, for 30 years. Today, with a new type of information services emerging-the social live streaming services like younow.com, every Web user can become "Truman" and entertain his viewers with a live performance. Will he take advantage of it? And, will YouNow-like services become the future of reality shows und human interaction? In this study we investigate the adoption, usage and impact of the social live streaming service YouNow. We base our study on an online-survey among YouNow's users as well as observations of the streams. Let the show begin.
