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Prof. Dr. Katharina Spalek
Building: 23.21
Floor/Room: 04.78
+49 211 81-15221

Office Hours

Office hours by appointment

Katharina Spalek was appointed professor for psycho- and neurolinguistics on August 1st, 2021.

Originally, her main research topic was language production, both in monolingual and bilingual speakers. In recent years, her interest has shifted to language comprehension. She investigates human language processing for different kinds of linguistic phenomena including sounds, words, phrases and narrative discourse.

She studied German linguistics and psychology in Heidelberg, Oxford and Berlin. She received a doctoral degree from the Radboud University Nijmegen in 2005. She did postdoctoral research in the USA and the United Kingdom. In 2007, she was appointed “junior professor” (assistant professor) for psycholinguistics at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. There, she was awarded the starter grant “focus alternatives in the human mind” from the European Research Council (ERC) in 2016.

Lectures SoSe 2024

Colloquium Phonetics/Phonology and Psycho-/Neurolinguistics - 2 SWS   - englisch/deutsch     -   van de Vijver Spalek

Masterseminar Spalek

AS: Neurophysiologie der Sprachverarbeitung - 2 SWS   

AS:Psycholinguistic studies in linguistic relativity - 2 SWS   - englisch  

AS: Psycholinguistik des Spracherwerbs - 2 SWS    


Lectures WiSe 2023/24

AS: Masters seminar phonological & psycholinguistical research colloquium - 2 SWS   - englisch     -   van de Vijver ,  Spalek

AS: Methodenkurs Statistik und Untersuchungsdesign - 2 SWS   - deutsch

Übung: Methodenkurs Statistik und Untersuchungsdesign - 2 SWS   - deutsch

AS: Psycholinguistics meets clinical linguistics - 2 SWS   - englisch     -   Spalek ,  Brühl



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