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Titel / Titel:

Assessing information literacy: Creating generic indicators and target group-specific questionnaires.

Author / AutorBeutelspacher, L.
Source / Quelle

Kurbanoğlu S., Špiranec S., Grassian E., Mizrachi D., Catts R. (eds) Information Literacy. Lifelong Learning and Digital Citizenship in the 21st Century. ECIL 2014. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 492 (pp. 521-530). Cham, Switzerland: Springer

Language / SpracheEnglish / Englisch


Assessing information literacy: Creating generic indicators and target group-specific questionnaires.

Information literacy is defined as the capacity to identify, locate, evaluate, use, create, store and index information. This article deals with the assessment of information literacy. Therefore a list of skills an  information literate person should possess in the 21st century was developed. Based on these indicators,  multiple-choice tests were developed which focus on the target groups of pupils, university students, teachers and researchers. With these tests it is possible to assess the knowledge in terms of information literacy.


Information literacy information literacy indicator questionnaire assessing information literacy

DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-14136-7_55