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(235) Maghferat, P., & Stock, W.G. (2010). Gender-specific information search behavior. Webology, 7(2), article 80.

(234) Stock, W.G., Peters, I., & Weller, K. (2010). Social semantic corporate digital libraries. Joining knowledge representation and knowledge management. Advances in Librarianship, 32, 137-158.

(233) Stock, W.G. (2010). Concepts and semantic relations in information science. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(10), 1951-1969. 

(232) Knautz, K., Siebenlist, T., & Stock, W.G. (2010). MEMOSE. Search engine for emotions in multimedia documents. In Proceedings of the 33rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (pp. 791-792). New York: ACM.

(231) Stock, W.G. (2010). Einsatz von Patentrecherchen und Patentinformetrie im betrieblichen Wissensmanagement (Geleitwort). In: Schmitz, J., Patentinformetrie. Analyse und Verdichtung von technischen Schutzrechtsinformationen (pp. 9-12). Frankfurt /M.: DGI

(230) Knautz, K., Dröge, E., Finkelmeyer, S., Guschauski, D., Juchem, K., Krzmyk, C., Miskovic, D., Schiefer, J., Sen, E., Verbina, J., Werner, N., & Stock, W.G. (2010). Indexieren von Emotionen bei Videos. Information - Wissenschaft und Praxis, 61(4), 221-236.

(229) Stock, W.G. (2010). Überwindung digitaler Ungleichheit in der Informations- und Wissensgesellschaft (Geleitwort). In Trkulja, V., Die Digitale Kluft. Bosnien-Herzegowina auf dem Weg in die Informationsgesellschaft (pp. 7-11). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften / Springer Fachmedien

(228) Peters, I., Stock, W. G., & Weller, K. (2010). Joining Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Management in Digital Libraries. In D. C. Kar et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Libraries (ICDL 2010), Delhi, India (pp. 659--675). New Delhi: TERI Press.

(227) Peters, I., & Stock, W. G. (2010). "Power Tags" in Information Retrieval. Library Hi Tech, 28(1), 81-93.

(226) Knautz, K., Soubusta, S., & Stock, W.G. (2010). Tag clusters as information retrieval interfaces. Proceedings of the 43th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-43), January 5-8, 2010. IEEE Computer Society Press (10 pages).

(225) Weller, K., Peters, I., & Stock, W.G. (2010). Folksonomy. The collaborative knowledge organization system. In Dumova, T., & Fiordo, R. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Social Interaction Technologies and Collaborative Software: Concepts and Trends (pp. 132-146). Hershey, New York: Information Science Reference