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Titel / Title Giving and following recommendations on video-on-demand services.
Author / Autor Gutzeit, J., Dorsch, I., & Stock, W.G.
Source / Quelle Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 3 – 7, 2022, Hawaii  (pp. 3339-3348). Honolulu, HI: HICSS (ScholarSpace).
Language / Sprache English / Englisch

Abstract. This is an empirical paper about giving, receiving, and following recommendations on Video-on-Demand (VoD) services, including results on gender-specific differences. Based upon a model for information behavior on VoD services, we applied an online survey and generated 1,258 valid questionnaires from active VoD users. Participants receive recommendations from the systems once a week on average, but they follow them only occasionally. They give actively recommendations to other people several times a month. Users do not receive recommendations from other sources as often as from the services (only several times a month); however, they follow those recommendations more often. The most important source for receiving recommendations from other sources is face-to-face communication. Obviously, VoD users follow recommendations from other people more than suggestions from algorithmically generated recommender systems. Besides, self-determined content selection following intrinsic motivation is important. The findings are of interest for research on digital and social media and for VoD services.

PDF: https://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10125/79743/1/0328.pdf